Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Sixth Wrestling Session

Yesterday was my 2nd time with CC. She is so fun to be with. We were having so much fun wrestling together. She learns quickly and she is so nice to me. Today she wore dark sweats that hugged her legs and I could tell she bike rides a lot by the size and tone of her muscles. We didn't waste any time and got right down to business. I taught her a couple of takedowns which she picked up really quick and we went over all the holds I showed her the previous time. When she placed me in guard, I could feel the ripple of her muscles against my torso and that gave me a little bit of a scare. She seemed more in control and moved on me more aggressively to pin me and squeeze me. She got me in a few triangle holds and squeezed me so tightly, I could barely catch my breath but somehow I managed to laugh with her as she watched my face turn different shades of red and purple.

The time went by fast and I was scheduled to meet with JF for another session. She texted me that she needed to stay at home to supervise a construction crew and would I be willing to go to her place @ 1 PM. I was a little hesitant because I really prefer to do all the wrestling sessions at home but I reluctantly agreed. When I googled her address, I had to do a double take because it looked like a commercial address in an industrial area.

I arrived a little before 1 and pulled up to an old brick building in an industrial part of downtown not far from Loaves and Fishes. BTW, the address is 1515 N C Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with all the homeless people camped outside a loading dock next door. At around 12:58, I walked up to a gated entrance with a padlock and texted JF that I was outside. I just kind of stood there waiting and looking inside through the glass door behind the gate to see if anyone was in there. About a minute later a guy appeared from off to the side and asked me who I was looking for. I told him that I was waiting for Jennifer and he said the she had gone out to buy some food and was on her way back.

I didn't really feel comfortable standing out there with shady looking transients sitting not more than 20 feet away so I got back in my car and turned on the cumbia to wait for her. A few minutes later she pulled up in her red sports car wearing a fedora. We greeted each other and I asked her what kind of place this was. She replied that she lived here. I was a little taken aback and I am sure she noticed my reaction but in any case, she showed me inside to a rundown interior that sort of resembled a really old office building with multiple rooms, a stairway to a 2nd floor and a couple of bathrooms off to the side. She then told me that she was part owner/investor in the building because she brokered the sale of the building to a friend of hers and then agreed to plow her commission back into the rehab of the building into an airbnb. I asked her if she was a real estate agent and she said she is studying to become one. Hmm, that's kind of strange since it would have been impossible to broker any real estate deal without a valid DRE license but no matter. I decided to play along. She continued to embellish her financial status by talking about how she was investing over 50 thousand dollars of her own money into it. She then led me upstairs to where I was supposed to set up and when she opened the door, out came Penny, her dog wagging her tail. "Uh oh", I thought since I then realized that I had forgotten the dog food I had bought last week. I was holding onto the two wrestling mats and struggled to drag them upstairs with me. Her studio was actually cozy but spacious at the same time. On one end was a giant bed. The place really wasn't large enough for wrestling but we hadn't gotten to talking about that point. I admitted to her that I had forgotten the dog food and then was stunned when she asked in a demanding way for money to help her pay for a bag of dog food that she had already purchased. I fished in my wallet and gave her a few dollars. I waited but there was no thank you. Nothing. At that point I suggested that we just reschedule to next week. Then, out of her mouth came another request. Could I advance her the session fee? I would never do such a thing for anyone and immediately apologized in my rejection of that idea. She didn't seem bothered and we then went downstairs again. She showed me the remodeling that was going on and I told her I was a general contractor. "What a coincidence!", she announced. She then introduced me to a worker painting texture on a wall. I thought she was going to introduce me as a general contractor to him but instead she introduced me as the guy showing her wrestling holds. I felt so humiliated since I do not want other people knowing about these sessions and by that point, I really wanted out of there. Before I left, she asked if I could turn a bath into a shower. I looked at the bathrooms and said no problem. Then something weird occurred. She asked me to stand against the wall to have my picture taken for her boss. This was getting stranger by the moment and I was anxious to get the hell out of there. I finally managed to escape and get back in my car.

The wonderful time I had with CC disintegrated into a feeling of anxiety, sadness and anger yesterday afternoon after meeting with JF. I couldn't believe at how ungrateful she turned out to be. It was almost like she thought of me as an ATM machine that spits out cash. I felt used and abused all at the same time.

Update: 11/11/2015
Today I was on the stationary bike pedaling furiously while watching some French film on Netflix called Mea Culpa. It was a really good workout because I was completely drenched in sweat. I got off the bike and was getting ready to hop on the treadmill when the phone rang. It was her! WTF? Why was she calling me? Yesterday she called me at work and apologized for dialing because she meant to call someone else. Why now? I was completely caught off guard when she told me that she was so sorry for how she acted the other day and explained that she was in a bad mood that had nothing to do with me and could I forgive her? Of course I accepted her apology. In that short conversation, she completely redeemed herself because I was ready to wipe her completely away from my life. I told her that I was a little busy right now but would like to start back up after Thanksgiving. She said anytime is fine with her and that was that. So now everything is okay.

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