Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wearing a Tie

I can't remember the last time I wore a tie. Could have been over 10 years ago. But Su Zhen persuaded me to upgrade my exterior look for a Home Business Presentation or HBP. The meeting was scheduled for July 7th at Qun Yu's and Wang Jun's house in Folsom. They asked me to prepare a short speech on why I decided to sign up as a MA UFB. Yes, there are a lot of acronyms here but that is how they talk about it so I might as well learn it as well.

So I am supposed to give a speech at someone's home in front of people who I don't really know and wear a tie and button down shirt to boot. This is not normal for me.  The day of the meeting, I quickly put something together but there was no time to practice so I printed it out to read when called upon.

After the speech I stuck around for a little while longer and met Gary, a Harvard educated doctor who told me that all the world's diseases can actually be distilled down to one disease which is a failure at the cellular level to either absorb the right nutrition or get rid of waste. A very controversial take on modern medicine but this theory is the premise that through nutrition and lifestyle changes, most problem diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes can either be controlled or prevented from occurring at all.

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