Friday, October 16, 2015

My Third Wrestling Session

This time I found a woman a little more desperate for money than the other two women. I picked Joy Catherine up near her house and drove her back to my house. Joy was very strong. Her legs were not quite as strong as Faerydae but still but me in a hell of a squeeze. She did everything I asked and laughed as she saw me turn different shades of purple as she squeezed. What was amazing though, was that she beat me in arm wrestling, both left and right handed. I asked her how she got so strong and she told me it was from carrying around her son all the time.

One of the memorable holds of the morning was the crucifix transitioning to headscissors. Once I was trapped, I couldn't move any part of my upper body. Both my arms were trapped while she was choking me. I struggled to get free but began to lose energy as the pressure around my neck increased. I started to have trouble breathing. At that point, I couldn't even tap out to let her know I had enough. The room started to spin a little as I managed to squeak out an "I give".

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