Sunday, November 1, 2015

My Fifth Wrestling Session

Today was the second session with Faerydae, the woman with incredible strength. Thanks to 12 years of wrestling experience, Faerydae picked up all the techniques I showed her and applied them with devastating force.

I decided that it was time to string some holds together and showed her how to transition from a cross body pin to a crucifix and then figure four headscissors. She did it easily the first time. We then went over a couple of takedowns and then I had her show me traditional wrestling takedowns that she had learned previously. Within 1 minute, she had combined the takedown and then pinned me. I couldn't believe how fast she was. Her takedowns were unstoppable.

At that point, I realized that this woman was way more skilled than I had originally thought. I then decided that it was time to wrestle her and see if she could bring me down with resistance. We started out standing in a clinch and I tried to contain her but it was impossible. She immediately pulled me to the ground in a quick takedown. I tried to squirm my way away from her but she held on like a vice and moved up on me quickly from behind. In a last ditch effort, I held my arms together but she pulled me over with ease and then moved to the cross body pin. I began to panic as I felt her body flex on mine as she pulled my arms apart. I couldn't move at all at this point no matter how I struggled. She then quickly transitioned to the crucifix. Again I struggled but she had both my arms trapped. Finally, she nimbly wrapped her leg around my neck and clamped down in a figure four choke, leaving me gasping for air. I quickly tapped out.

Needless to say, Faerydae is by far the most talented of all the women I have wrestled with. She is both beautiful and incredibly strong. Her legs are not to be messed with and I already issued her a challenge to beat me at arm wrestling which I have no doubt she will be able to do in a short period of time.

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