Thursday, November 9, 2017


Chapter 1

I hadn't had sex in a while and the pressure was building. What to do? Go online of course. There are many sites to choose from but the most popular is Backpage, aka BP. Even after the paid escort section was taken down due to a federal lawsuit, there is still a personnel section that all the providers have shifted over to.

After much searching, I finally landed on this girl named Nila. Her profile said she was 20 years old and originally from the island of Fiji which seemed exotic to me. I decided to take a chance with her so I started chatting with her via text and she sent me another picture of herself. She was tall at 5'9", with a thin athletic build.

For a long time I have imagined what it would be like to combine the wrestling holds and sex. It has always been a real thrill to have an attractive girl wrap her legs around my neck and squeeze. What would it be like to mix it up with some sex? Would Nila be willing to do it with me? I texted her pictures of some holds and without hesitation she agreed to do it.

After many delays and rescheduling, she came over on the morning of November 6, 2017. I was so excited I could barely sleep the night before. I had a good feeling about her based on the language she used when she texted me and how eager she was to accommodate my wishes.

She finally arrived after getting lost driving around my neighborhood. This happened despite me giving her my exact address along with directions. I had to stand outside on my driveway and then wave my hand wildly at her while she was parked not more than 30 feet away and notify her on the phone that I was standing there. Navigation was obviously not her strong point. She got out of her car and smiled at me while she bounded over like a nimble gazelle. Other than some acne on her face, she looked like the picture but with a darker complexion and wearing a sporty looking outfit according to my instructions. Once inside and after taking care of business, we didn't waste any time. I showed her to my room, stripped down to my underwear and then asked her to take off her tights. Her legs were long and well toned. She sat down next to me and I asked if she was ready and she nodded eagerly. So with her just wearing underwear and a top, I showed her some holds. She lay down on me with my head between her thighs and giggled as she locked her ankles together and started to squeeze. She was a little hesitant at first but then began applying more pressure with my encouragement. She giggled again as she started to squeeze harder, telling me that she played track and field in high school. Finally I had to tell her to let up because I didn't want to pass out. By that time the adrenaline was flowing and I felt pretty horny. She wriggled out of her underwear and then straddled me. I started caressing and kissing her breasts. She wasn't big by any means but well rounded and perky. I sucked on her nipples and she immediately got hard. I then fingered her pussy and was surprised when I felt her become wet after only a couple seconds. It was a good thing, though that I just fingered her and didn't go down to the Y for a date which I will explain further on.

There was a little delay as I tried to put on a condom. It just didn't want to go on. Finally I turned it over and tried again, this time with success. I then guided my restless, engorged dick inside her. Nila moaned slightly as she lowered herself on me and began moving up and down on me in a rhythmic upbeat tempo. I told her to slow down a bit because I wanted the experience to last. She slowed down and that allowed me to control myself. I moaned with pleasure as I felt the inner muscles of her vagina softly pull and caress my dick. The feeling was absolutely exquisite and it felt even better because it seemed like Nila was enjoying herself as well. "Your dick feels so good." she whispered in my ear and that made me even harder. After a few minutes, I could feel that I was getting close to the point of no return. We picked up the pace and I exploded inside her while holding her tightly.

I pulled the condom off and ran naked into the bathroom to grab some toilet paper. I wiped myself and got dressed. As I wiped myself dry, I couldn't help but notice an unpleasant odor coming from my dick. Hmm, that didn't seem right. I filed that thought away as we walked to the door, exchanged hugs and said good bye.

Back to the routine. It was time to go to work. I quickly got dressed and jumped in the car but before I even put the keys in the ignition, I noticed that odor again. WTF? It was coming through my pants! The odor resembled tuna fish that has been sitting out on the table for a little too long. I jumped out of the car, ran over to the mud sink in the garage and stripped down. The smell was now overpowering. I washed and bathed my dick with lots of soapy water and finally the odor reluctantly went away. 

When I arrived at work, I needed to go to the bathroom really bad. I felt a burning sensation as the pee came out. "Uh oh," I thought to myself. Could I have contracted an STD? I immediately did some googling and sure enough there is an STD called Trichomoniasis which is a common bacterial infection transmitted through sexual contact and one of the symptoms in women is a fishy smell in their vagina. Fortunately, it is also easily treatable. I immediately made an appointment to get tested so I am going tomorrow. Stay tuned for chapter 2.๐Ÿ˜

Chapter 2

The next morning I headed over to the doctor's office and got myself tested. The results starting coming in by the same afternoon. Relief replaced anxiety as test after test came back negative. Now that I was in the clear, I still felt obligated to tell Nila about my experience and suggest she get tested herself. But how to tell her? For over an hour I agonized over how to tell her without hurting her feelings. But finally I realized that it is impossible to sugar coat something like this so I settled on telling her outright without holding back:

"Hi Nila, I thought it would be important for you to know that after we had sex, I noticed an odor like rotten fish on my penis. I looked it up online and it says that you might have some kind of bacterial infection. You might want to go to the doctor to have it checked out."

Omg okay I️ am so sorry๐Ÿ˜ญ I️ already made an appt to see my OBGYN and get tested and see what that smell is from. I️'m always clean and safe I promise. Thanks for letting me know! And please let me know when you want to see me next! I️ hope this doesn’t get in the way for u to not see me.

So that wasn't so bad! All that worry over nothing. Time to move on to another adventure and another story to tell.๐Ÿ˜Š

Chapter 3

I was right. Nila did have a bacterial infection. She went to the doctor and he put her on antibiotics. She texted me a few days ago letting me know that she was good now and that sealed the deal. I wanted to do this again for a variety of reasons, not least of which is that I wanted this experience to be a winner that will be memorable in only positive ways. Yes, the first time felt good of course but the rotten fish smell kind of offset the warm glow that I felt right after we finished.

We made a date for her to come over again today, 11/19/2017. I finally had the house to myself by the late afternoon and that shipment of blue pills arrived sometime last week. I'm pretty good in bed but I wanted to up my game. The dosage was 100 mg, but I did my research and it turns out that plenty of guys have good results with only half that dosage. I am a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and marijuana so I figured better go with a smaller dose just to test it out. I took it about an hour and a half before she arrived and waited to see if I felt any differently. About a half hour before she arrived, I felt my face flush, like I had poked my head into a hot sauna and had just come out to cool off only I wasn't cooling off. I drank some tea and couldn't sit still. I paced the living room waiting, imagining Nila giggling while squeezing me into oblivion, building up an entire erotic movie in my head and at the same time felt my dick throb every once in a while, completely out of nowhere, without any warning.

She texted me that she had arrived and I immediately felt an adrenaline rush as the anticipation of seeing her caused my heart to race. I flung open the front door and stepped out just as she came around the corner. She looked really nice, once again wearing a sporty type outfit. We hugged and headed back to my room. Suddenly, I had an idea. What if added some marijuana to the mix? Now's the time to try it and so I asked Nila. She told me that she had smoked some marijuana on the way over and that she was a big pot head. She helped me pack the small pipe I have and then we shared it for about 3 puffs. I was feeling good and oh so fucking horny at that moment. I led her back into the room and it was time to have some fun.

I wanted her to wrap her legs around me again. We did the same holds again, starting with the rear head scissors. She scooted herself down so my head was between the uppermost part of her thighs, the strongest place to be. I gave her the go ahead and this time she squeezed harder than before. At first it felt pretty good but as she tightened her legs around my neck, I started to feel light headed and little scared so I told her to ease up. The next hold was the side head scissors. I had her trap my arm while she had me in a figure four head scissors. I tried getting up but she had me pinned. Finally I surrendered. The last hold was the rear figure four head scissors. I guided her left leg to hook around her right ankle. As soon as she had it locked in, she was able to grab her left ankle and pull. Immediately, I felt an incredible pressure. I couldn't take much, the pressure was so intense. I tapped her leg a few times to let go and then it was time to switch gears.

I clumsily yanked her panties off and began kissing her stomach and breasts. Her nipples were already hard. I then moved town to her pussy and began licking around the edges. I then zeroed in on her clit. Over the next 1/2 hour, my tongue was buried deep inside her, licking and sucking while she pulled my face towards her. I tried to pull away but she pulled me back in. She was so wet, she was gushing her juice all over my face and onto the blanket below. She moaned in ecstasy as my tongue moved quickly over and around the nub of her clit. She moaned loudly and suddenly wrapped her legs around my head, squeezing me really hard while she cupped her hands around my neck and pinned me against her. She started to rub herself up and down on my face as I tongued her, quickening the pace. I tried to pull myself out but she just held me more tightly. Finally, I nodded to her that I was ready and she released me from her grip. I turned over and she gave me the condom to put on. This time, it went on the right way. I was really hard. She straddled herself over me and I guided myself in her. We rhythmically thrust ourselves at each other as the pressure slowly built up. After about 10 minutes, I could feel myself getting ready to explode. The pace quickened and the explosion arrived. I was in heaven.

This was memorable, a home run from beginning to end.

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