Saturday, July 9, 2016

Casey Dream - 7/9/2016

Today I did a really fun video shoot in midtown with Casey and Monisha. After the video shoot ended, Casey told me that she was leaving for Philadelphia on August 7th and won't return for a few months. I felt a little upset because she means a lot to me and on my drive back home I thought about how much I am going to miss her.

Anyhow, after I got home, I needed to take a nap. Ever take a nap in the afternoon? It is nothing like sleeping at night. Oh yea I forgot to mention that I had wolfed down a spicy chicken burrito at Jim Boy's Tacos near the camera place where I rented the stabilizer equipment that Nicholas never used before I headed home. So here is the setting: spicy chicken burrito churning in my stomach, the thought of not seeing Casey for a while, and feeling really tired after getting squeezed like a giant glob of dough being kneaded for 2 hours by two women.

The Dream

I am walking in midtown Sacramento on a quiet, tree-lined street. I catch sight of Casey crossing the street ahead of me. I call out to her: "Hey Casey!" She turns and we walk towards each other. I don't know what we talk about but I say, "I'm going to miss you." We hug and then I kiss her on the cheek. She pulls away from me and her face changes to an anguished expression. Surprised, I ask her, "Is something wrong?" She hesitates and then begins telling me about how complicated things are. "What do you mean complicated?" I ask. She looks at me and shakes her head. "I should have told you about how delicate my relationship is with Monroe." At this point, I am trying to figure out when she ever told me about a guy named Monroe. While I was racking my brain trying to remember, she continues: "And he might just be a little jealous if he found out you were smooching me."  I was aghast. Was she really upset because I just pecked her on the cheek? Before I had time to respond, she had somehow just disappeared. 

I couldn't believe what had just happened to me. I frantically searched for my phone and pulled it out. I wanted to text Casey and tell her that I was just giving her a hug and a little kiss to let her know I will miss her. I pulled up my text app and started scrolling through all the names, looking for Casey but all that came up were cute little Hello Kitty and My Little Pony icons. "WTF?", I thought. The search for her phone number was getting frustrating. 

During the search for her phone number, I wasn't watching where I was going and suddenly heard a loud noise. I looked up and saw a car overturned on the street. 2 or 3 teenagers were looting the car and playing with matches while a gruff looking man was yelling at them to get away from the car. At first I couldn't figure out why the man was yelling so loudly and then looked more closely at the car and discovered that lying next to it was a giant propane tank. "Uh, oh. This is not going to end well.", I said to the man. The teenagers completely ignored the man's warnings and continued to laugh and play, throwing lighted matches at each other. One of the matches landed on one of the teenager's head and his hair caught on fire. All 3 teenagers suddenly freaked and ran away with the flames on the teenager's head growing fast. I shake my head and walk away and the dream ends without the propane tank exploding.

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