Saturday, August 10, 2019


Dusk settled on the city and the air was crisp from a cool autumn breeze. Tom pulled up his overcoat higher to keep himself warm. He had worked late because Fran had asked him to finish those analysis reports before Wednesday’s finance committee meeting. He was weary from hours of staring at the computer screen and his main thought at this point was just to walk quickly to the subway so he could go to the gym. The streets were teaming with other workers – businessmen wearing tailored suits talking on their cell phones, young female secretaries chatting about their day’s ordeals with their associates, and blue-collar workers carrying their lunch pails after a long day at the metal fabrication plant nearby. It was a diverse crowd and Tom seemed to fit right in. 

Though he had just turned 40, he felt in great shape since he started going to the gym regularly. Tom looked forward to going to the gym because it allowed him some time to himself – a couple of hours where he could work up a sweat and release all the pent-up stress that accumulated during the day. But one of the things that motivated him to keep going was the prospect of seeing all those gorgeous women toning their muscles. Some of them as young as 18 could bench press or leg press as much as any man. Many times, Tom fantasized that he was screwing them. The erotic fantasies seemed to take on a life of their own during his workouts but they always revolved around a similar theme: Something about young, toned women turned on a switch in Tom for some inexplicable reason. Though the dreams were always vivid, the only hint on the outside that something was different was the faraway, glassy look that appeared in Tom’s eyes. 

The gym was crowded with office workers and students from the nearby college. Tom changed his clothes and made his way up the stairs to the stair climbing machines. Last week a young woman was climbing next to him and he couldn’t take his eyes off her well-muscled thighs as they pumped up and down at a fast tempo. He could only imagine what it would be like to have her legs wrapped around him. As he stepped up on the machine, he looked around. Tom knew that his chances of ever realizing any of his fantasies were next to nil. “Who would be interested in a middle-aged guy like me,” he wondered to himself as he set the controls to the stair climber. All around him were high school girls working out while they chatted about their adventures with their latest boyfriends. Tom sighed and started climbing. The setting was hill climb and the program quickly became strenuous. Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead but he felt good. His legs and arms were strong from the daily routines so the workouts always made him feel good. A pair of girls were stairclimbing directly across from him. “They couldn’t be more than 18 or 19”, he speculated as he watched them surreptitiously out of the corner of his eye. To be sure, they were stunningly beautiful. One of them had olive skin and long, dark hair. She could have been Italian or perhaps South American. No matter, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The other one was not quite as attractive, but more muscularly built. She had short blond hair and her legs looked thick and toned from working out. The two girls chatted and giggled as the girl in dark hair relayed some amusing story. 

Tom was always careful about catching a glimpse of the women he was attracted to. He hadn’t ever been caught staring – or so he thought. Tonight his mind wandered in and out of fantasy as he pumped his legs ever faster. He kept looking up at the girls and it seemed they weren’t paying any attention to him. Sweat glistened on the forehead of the dark-haired girl and trickled down her blue spandex shirt that tightly hugged her breasts. She was wearing a pair of baggy plaid shorts but the smooth curves of her muscular legs twitched and flexed each step she took. The sight nearly took Tom’s breath away. He couldn’t take  his eyes off of her. His eyes glazed over as he imagined peeling her clothes off right there and pressing his body against hers. The thought made him hard. He could feel his erection pressing against his shorts. Luckily, nobody could see his hard-on from that angle but he kept looking down just to be sure. He turned his head up again, expecting the girls to be wrapped up in their mindless chatter but instead they were staring at him! “Oh shit,” he thought to himself. “They probably think I am some type of pervert.” But to his surprise, they were smiling at him. The blond giggled when the dark-haired girl whispered something to her. Tom felt his cheeks flush from embarrassment and that seemed to only amuse the girls even more. 

The girls watched as Tom quickly got off the machine. Tonight’s workout was supposed to be the combination aerobics mixed with weight-lifting on the machines but Tom didn’t feel like staying any longer. He was the shy type and he couldn’t in a million years think of something appropriate to say to women 20 years his junior. Yet, the thought that they might have found him attractive left a pleasant glow in his mind. He managed to smile nervously in their direction as he fumbled for his water bottle. “Don’t forget to wipe the machine down!” He whirled around to see a fat woman with a face that resembled a water-filled balloon standing behind him. The sight of the overweight heifer jolted Tom back to reality. He wiped down the machine and looked up and this time he made direct eye contact with the dark-haired girl. Her dark brown eyes had a playful look as she smiled his way. 

Tom was dumbfounded. “How could this be happening to me?”, he wondered. “This really must be some type of dream or maybe it is just a misunderstanding.” The latter thought did make more sense because one time while sitting on the bus, he sat next to a woman and when she smiled, he thought it meant she was sending him a signal. He started to break the ice with small talk, but that seemed to annoy her so he dropped the conversation and moved to another seat. “What an idiot I was, thinking she was interested in me.” Tom was so focused on his thoughts he didn't notice that the two women had disappeared. “Shit, I missed another opportunity.” 

Just as he was getting ready to pick up his water bottle, he heard a voice behind him. “Hey, like your shirt”. 
Tom whirled around to see the dark-haired girl standing in front of him. 

“Oh thanks, I got it in Tijuana.” It was a t-shirt that had a map of northern Mexico with a man fishing in the front. “My family is from Tecate,” she added with a slight accent. “I’m Yolanda”. “Tom Bolin, pleased to meet you.” Tom could not take his eyes off Yolanda. She was even more beautiful up close. Her hair was black as ink and flowed down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were like two orbs that sparkled playfully as she smiled. Now what?”, he thought to himself. He started to open his mouth to say something but no words came out. “I wwwasss....” 
Yolanda quickly interrupted him. “Lisa and I are trying to start a clothing business and like my uncle Mike doesn’t know anything about business and like all the guys at school are so totally... well you know what I mean?” 

Tom just nodded his head as the words flew out of Yolanda’s mouth in rapid-fire order. “I don’t know where this is going but if I keep nodding my head I can’t be all that stupid looking,” he thought to himself. 
“...and anyways we like thought you could maybe help us with some of the paperwork stuff, that is if you are interested.” 

“Sure, I would be glad to help.” 

“Great, so can you come by my house tonight?” Something about the way Yolanda said “tonight startled” Tom. She sounded so confident, almost demanding. 

“Yea, sure.” Tom was getting excited now. Wild sexually explicit images began invading his mind. “Just give me your address.” Tom fumbled for a piece of paper. The only thing he found in his pocket was an old receipt from the supermarket.  

“No need, silly! I can text it to you. What’s your phone number?” Yolanda seemed genuinely amused by Tom’s antiquated response. 

After giving her his phone number, Yolanda thumbed in her info within a few seconds. Tom was mesmerized by the speed at which she had typed, amazed and slightly embarrassed by his own clumsiness.  

“Hey did you get it?”, Yolanda jolted Tom out of his stupor. Tom stared at his phone and started searching for his messenger app. “Here, let me take a look.”, Yolanda came over and stood next to him, holding her hand out for Tom to surrender his phone to someone more capable. Resigned to being the ancient dinosaur in the roomTom sheepishly handed it over. For a brief second, her hand touched Tom’s hand. It was like being jolted with electricity. Her skin felt cool and smooth and the fragrance of her perfume clouded his mind with intoxicating images of her naked. She smiled again, handing the phone back. Before he could think of something else to say, she had turned away and was gone. 

It took less than a minute for Tom to grab his things and race out of the gym. When he finally got home, he grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator, took out his phone and sat down at his computer. “Hope this isn’t some imaginary address,” he thought while launching his browser. He typed in the address and was pleasantly surprised when it showed a house not too far away in a nice neighborhood. He couldn’t stop thinking about Yolanda and her exotic features. It was 6:30 and Tom had about an hour to eat, shower and get ready. 
After one more good look in the mirror it was time to go. Tom glanced at his watch. It was 7:45. “Should I be on time or fashionably late?”, he asked out loud. Tom was always punctual but now he wondered if teenage girls would think he was some type of “dweeb” or some other stupid nerdy type if he arrived promptly at 8:00. This was a whole new ballgame. The last woman Tom dated was around 33 years old and was divorced with 2 kids. The last time Tom spoke to a teenager must have been a year ago at the company picnic when Brenda, his coworker introduced him to her 20 year-old daughter. “Fuck it, I’m going”, and with that he got into his car and was on his way. 

The house looked like any other in a quiet, suburban housing tract. Tom pulled up in front and turned off the engine. His heart was beating rapidly in anticipation of what was to come next. One last check of his hair in front of the rearview mirror and he was ready. “Here goes nothing”, he said to himself and bounded up the steps to the front door. He rang the doorbell but didn’t hear anything so he rang again. The door swung open and Tom was happy to see that it was Yolanda. She was, after all, the more attractive of the two girls. “Hi, come on in”. She looked gorgeous and as Tom passed her in the entryway, the fragrance was intoxicating. She was wearing a pair of short plaid pants and a tank top that hugged her breasts, revealing the outline of her nipples. 

“Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.”. Tom looked around. Off to the left was the living room with a large comfortable sofa. He sat down and Yolanda plopped herself down right next to him. “Want something to drink? Beer, wine? My dad has a whole bar that I can use.” Tom suddenly felt a tinge of anxiety. Apparently, Yolanda seemed to know what he was thinking. “Oh, don’t worry, my parents are separated and my dad is away on business. He won’t be back until next Friday.” 

“Oh, okay.” Tom breathed a sigh of relief and finally felt himself start to relax a little. “I’ll have a beer.” 

“Sure, be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” Yolanda giggled as she jumped up and disappeared behind a door. 
Tom looked around again. It was an ordinary looking living room – a few pictures on the mantle above the fireplace and a coffee table strewn with magazines. As his eyes wandered aimlessly, one of the magazines caught his attention. It was a martial arts magazine with a picture of a woman on the cover breaking a piece of wood with her hand. “Hey, like that?” Yolanda had appeared at the doorway to the kitchen holding a drink in each hand. 

Tom quickly put the magazine down and watched Yolanda walk towards him. She moved like a cat. Every step was soft but the muscle definition in her thighs was unmistakable. She sat down right next to him and once again he was intoxicated by her fragrance. “Hope you like it”, she said as she handed the glass of beer to him. 

The next half hour they talked about different things. Yolanda recently broke up with her boyfriend and wasn't dating. Then there was school and after school soccer and wrestling. “Wrestling?” Tom interjected, surprised. “You mean there is a girl's wrestling team at your school?” 

“Yea, my friend Jenny and I practice together a lot. She's the one you saw at the gym today. She’s coming over later. 

Later? Tom tried to remember the original reason why he had come over but for some reason, his mind was a blank. Didn’t she mention something about needing help with a business? Could that have just been a pretext to invite him over for something else? Again, Tom’s mind navigated itself to the tantalizing prospect of wild sex.  The beer had relaxed him and he felt his face flush. Yolanda was incredibly beautiful and her tanned thighs were pressing against his legs. That combined with the fragrance from her hair made him hard. He felt a growing urge to hold her and kiss her. His heart was racing as he contemplated that thought. He slowly turned towards her and as he did, she placed her hand on his thigh and that was all the encouragement he needed. They began kissing and as their tongues explored each other, he felt her hand stroke his thigh and massage the bulge in his pants. His hands moved over her body and felt the softness of her breasts and the hardness of her stomach and thighs. Eventually his hands found their way to her wetness and Yolanda moaned as he slid his fingers in and out. Yolanda unzipped his pants and pulled his underwear down. Tom's cock bobbed wildly about as it was released from captivity. Yolanda grabbed it and started stroking it gently. “Let's go up to my room”, Yolanda whispered. Tom followed her, half naked, up the stairs to her room. 

They both stripped down and jumped into her bed. It was a large queen-sized bed with four wooden posts. They lay next to each other, holding each other tightly. Yolanda gently pulled down Tom’s underwear and wrapped her hand around the base of his penis. Tom could feel his penis throbbing in her hand as she began to tease the tip with her tongue while playfully gliding her mouth over it. After a minute or so Yolanda began gently sucking as she simultaneously pumped the base of Tom’s massive hardon. Sensing that Tom was more than ready, she maneuvered herself so that she was straddling herself on top of Tom. She felt for his cock and slowly guided it into her smooth wet opening. The feeling was exquisite. She was so wet and tight as well. They began to move in rhythm. It felt like each time he penetrated, he went in a little deeper and he could feel her gripping him. He was amazed at how strongly she held him inside. The tempo started out slow but as the pressure began to build, they moved at a more frenetic pace. Tom felt like he was going to blow as Yolanda ground her hips back and forth, the two of them drenched in sweat. Finally, he could hold it no longer and shot out his load inside her. 

 “Oh my God, that felt so good!”, Tom exclaimed as he held Yolanda in his arms. Ditto.”, Yolanda laughed as she ran her tongue over Tom’s ear.  The events of the day circled his mind as he relaxed in Yolanda's arms and began to drift off to sleep. A few minutes later, Tom was out like a light. 

When Tom awoke an hour later, he felt for Yolanda but he was alone. The lights were out. “Yolanda?”, he called out. “Anyone here?” The door to Yolanda's room was closed. Tom stumbled out of bed and groped for his clothes. “This is odd.”, he thought as he pulled on his pants. He turned on the light and squinted to adjust. There was a note on the bed. “Come down and meet me in the basement.” It was signed with just the letter “Y” and nothing else. “Basement?” That was weird. Tom didn't remember Yolanda showing him any basement when he arrived. His curiosity aroused, he opened the door and started down the stairs. It was quiet, but he could hear the muffled sounds of girls talking. He arrived at the bottom of the stairs and looked around. There was no one around but the voices were more noticeable than before. He walked into the living room and could swear that the sound was coming from beneath the living room floor. The only other door not yet opened was the one Yolanda had disappeared into to get his drink. Tom opened it and immediately noticed another door off to his right. “That must be it.”, he thought as he reached for the handle. 

A steep stairway led down to a brightly lit room off to the left. Tom quietly made his way down the stairs and looked in. The room was large, probably at least 20 feet long and 15 feet wide and completely covered in wrestling mats. One side of the room was lined with ceiling high mirrors and two ceiling fans spun slowly around. In the middle of the room were Yolanda and Jenny, each wearing a one piece spandex outfit. But it was what they were doing that riveted Tom’s attention. Yolanda had her right leg wrapped around Jenny’s neck and her left leg was looped over her right ankle, creating a virtual headlock. At the same time, she was pulling back on her left ankle, thereby locking and strengthening the hold. Jenny was struggling hard, twisting from side to side and pulling on Yolanda’s legs to break out of the hold but to no avail. Yolanda simply rolled with her. Tom watched in wide-eyed amazement as Yolanda controlled the more muscular girl with seemingly little effort. In less than a minute, Jenny’s face began to turn bright red from the lack of circulation and finally she slapped the floor repeatedly in surrender. 

The girls separated and helped each other up. “Hey, what do you think, big guy?”, Jenny called out as she fixed her hair in front of one of the large mirrors. 

“Pretty intense, I would say.”, Tom replied, trying to contain his excitement. 

Yolanda turned and walked over to him, fixing her playful eyes on his. “Ever wrestle a girl, Tom?” she whispered as she stood inches away from his face. 

Tom gulped and quickly contemplated the challenge. The idea of wrestling a girl was exciting and though he had seen the girls in action, he felt confident that this would be a playful romp where he would prevail easily. After all, he was a man and girls couldn’t possibly outwrestle a male. “They simply don’t have the strength to subdue me,” Tom assured himself confidently. “Okay, you’re on,” he finally answered. 

“Great!” Yolanda replied confidently as she turned abruptly and headed back to the middle of the room. 
“Which one of you am I wrestling?” Tom asked, looking first at Jenny and then at Yolanda since both of them were stretching their legs and arms as if they were preparing for battle. 

“Well, that’s the fun part,” Jenny called out as she stretched her legs into a complete split on the floor. 

“What do you mean?” 

“She means you get to wrestle both of us, silly!,” Yolanda laughed as she performed a series of incredible stretching exercises. “Oh, and by the way, you have to take your pants off cause neither one of us wants to get burned from friction caused by your clothes.” 

Once again Yolanda’s commanding voice sent shivers of excitement down Tom’s spine. He couldn’t believe his ears. Not only was he going to wrestle two beautiful girls, but do it half naked! He unbuttoned his trousers and as he pulled them down, he realized he had a complete hard-on. He suddenly felt very naked standing there with only a t-shirt and underwear on. “What the hell am I getting myself into?”, he thought and then a sick feeling suddenly came over him as he wondered if this was all just some sort of prank to embarrass him or even worse, blackmail him for money. But it was after all, too late. He had already committed himself to going through with it and it would seem pretty wimpy if he backed out now. Besides, when was the last time two beautiful girls invited him to wrestle? 

“Ready?, Yolanda asked as Tom padded over to the middle of the mat. 

“Okay, I guess.” Tom stopped and looked up to face his challengers. Both girls were standing in front of him with their arms up and one leg back, ready to grapple. Yolanda was taller, only about 2 inches shorter than Tom. Jenny was a whole head shorter but solidly built. 

“Go!” Yolanda barked as the girls advanced on Tom. Tom stepped backward and tried to keep both girls in front of his line of sight, but they separated as they circled him. 

Yolanda grabbed his shoulders and Tom locked arms with her. Tom couldn’t believe how strong she was. He tried to throw her off balance but she could not be moved. With Tom’s arms tangled above, that was all the opening Jenny needed. She wrapped her arms around both of Tom’s legs and tackled him as she pulled his legs together. Like a tree falling, Tom crashed to the floor. He immediately began thrashing around, trying to loosen Jenny’s hold but became distracted as Yolanda pulled one of his arms straight and wrapped her right leg over his neck and snaked her left leg under and locked her ankles together in a scissor hold. Now Tom was in trouble. With only one free arm, he made a feeble attempt to pry her legs apart but failed miserably. He simply had no leverage lying face up. For a moment Tom could thrash his legs around and even was able to move his torso around as Jenny released her grip but the pain coming from Yolanda bending his arm the wrong way was weakening his arm. Suddenly Jenny pounced on Tom’s chest, knocking the wind out of him. 

The sensation of Yolanda’s thighs gripping his neck felt at once erotic and dangerous. Once again with his one free hand, Tom tried to pull her legs apart. Her skin was smooth but extremely hard underneath. He could feel her muscles rippling against his neck and began to feel somewhat uncomfortable as she tightened her grip. He could feel his face becoming flushed and although he could still breathe, it was slowly getting more difficult.  
A feeling of anxiety began to wash over Tom as he lay on the ground completely immobilized by two girls he had just met hours earlier. His mind raced through the sequence of the day’s events, trying to make sense of how he ended up in the predicament he was now finding himself in. As he struggled to free himself, he scolded himself for foolishly being seduced by two girls he hardly knew. “You idiot.”, he thought. “You got played and now here you are.” Each time Tom struggled, it felt like the pressure increased around his neck. “Why won’t they let go?”, he wondered. “Are they trying to prove something?” Every once in a while he would try and bridge his hips up to try and throw off Jenny who was now straddling his chest but to no avail. Using all his strength, he bucked his hips up as hard as he could and Jenny seemed to be momentarily caught off balance as she fell off to the side. However, this small victory was short lived. She quickly and easily slipped her thick, muscled legs around his waist and locked her ankles together as she straightened her legs out in a painful body scissors. Tom quickly felt intense pressure as Jenny squeezed her legs together, pressing themselves against Tom’s stomach, pushing the air out and making it hard for Tom to breathe. 

“Let me go!”, Tom demanded as he continued to thrash around. The girls just giggled as they held him tightly. “Look at his face”, Jenny commented. “It’s as red as a watermelon!” The two girls giggled and upon hearing this, Tom had just about had it at this point. With all his strength he tried to lift himself up off the ground. The effort was valiant but a big waste of energy as the girls simply continued to grip him as he let out a big sigh from all the effort.  

With most of his energy spent, Tom lay there motionless, contemplating his next move. The girls appeared to be relaxed but their grip around his neck and his waist was unmistakably real and strong. He decided to appeal to their humanity. “Look girls, you won. I give, ok?” Tom pleaded. He tried to make eye contact with Jenny but she only briefly glanced over his way with a look of bemusement. After all, no one would know he had lost against a couple of teenage girls so he could go home without worrying about a bruised ego. His hand was resting on Yolanda’s calf but in an instant, Jenny had grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm out, thus immobilizing him completely. Tom struggled to break free but two girls were too much. He couldn’t move and now he couldn’t even tap out to signal his surrender. The erotic feelings he felt were being replaced by fear. Suddenly Yolanda released her grip around his neck and for a brief instant, Tom thought maybe they were going to let him go. But instead, she maneuvered herself over him and straddled herself high up on his chest. She nimbly trapped one of his arms and lifted his head up as she slipped one leg behind it, locking her legs together in a mounted choke. The weight of her body was now resting on his neck as she squeezed her legs together against Tom’s face and neck. “Have you ever passed out, Tom?” she said as she cupped her hands around the base of Tom’s head. “Please don’t!” Tom begged her, hoping she would somehow realize the cruelty she was inflicting. Tom groaned under the weight and pressure from all sides. Curiously, Yolanda seemed to be hesitating. In this position, she could easily make Tom pass out but instead appeared to be in a holding pattern. Her legs were squeezing from the sides as she held his head in her hands from above.  

By now, fear had replaced the anger he had felt earlier. The truth was he really didn’t know these girls. And no one knew where he was since he hadn’t told anyone about his date. With Yolanda sitting squarely on top of him, Tom could look directly in her eyes. She began to flex and squeeze her thighs more intensely around his head as she smiled while looking down at him.  “I can’t breathe,” he managed to sputter while gasping for air. A strange lightheadedness overcame him as he lay there completely immobile. “Let me go…I give, I give!”, Tom managed to whisper as that was all the energy he could muster but the girls were either not listening or ignoring his pleas. They were talking about something but it was hard to hear with his head buried in Yolanda’s thighs. He could only faintly make out what they were saying. “What should we do with him after we…” “I don’t know, I have never….” The snippets of conversation didn’t help alleviate Tom’s fears and it was getting harder to stay awake. The pressure made him feel like he was being buried under a ton of sand. The lack of oxygen and blood to his brain had made him too tired to struggle anymore so he just lay there, spent and exhausted. Too weak to speak, he looked up into Yolanda’s eyes as if to plea for mercy. Suddenly without warning, she pulled his head up as she squeezed her thighs together in an incredible burst of energy and Tom instantly blacked out. 

Hours later, Tom woke up to find himself in the back seat of his car. He had a splitting headache worse than any hangover and no clue about the passage of time or where he was. It was dark and quiet outside. Apparently, the girls had left him in a cul-de-sac.  He fumbled for his phone and looked at the display. The clock showed 4:30 AM. Too tired to piece together what had transpired the night before, he sat in the driver’s seat and just stared outside in front of him. The fog of the previous day’s events was too much to try and sort out, at least for now. Tom started the engine and punched in his home address in his GPS. Slowly driving himself home along the quiet streets, Tom felt the rush of relief at the knowledge that he had survived and determined to not make the same mistake ever again. 

-The End 


Dusk settled on the city and the air was crisp from a cool autumn breeze. Tom pulled up his overcoat higher to keep himself warm. He had ...