Friday, June 7, 2013

Time (Creative Writing - Highland Hall 1974)

Time is a concept which must be dealt with by everybody. Not everybody enjoys dealing with it, though. Some people consider time to be something very precious which mustn't be wasted while others can't think of anything to do with it. The passage of time becomes more apparent when a big event occurs or an event which directly affects you. Time is what changes our world,  makes people older and is the universal healer. Time does wonders in causing people to forget bitter feelings or resentment.

If something very profound happens which alters your life, time has little or no effect in making you forget.

When you become involved in an activity you enjoy, time seems to rush by in an instant. This is because you are too preoccupied with the task at hand to be interested in time. On the other hand, if you have nothing to do, time slows down and minutes become hours and hours drag into days.

An experience concerning time that I have a lot happens before I travel someplace. The night before I left to go to Berkeley, I became very much aware of time, anxiously waiting for it to pass quickly. Yet it seemed like years before the next day arrived and then time literally flew by. It appears that time does exactly the opposite of what you want it to do.

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