Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Elephant

One day I was walking from school with my best friend Shayan. He gave me a baby elephant. Shayan said that can I take care of him. I ask why. Shayan said he is going on a trip. I said I don't know. I had to ask my parents.

He said call me when you get home. I said ok. so I ran home. When I made it there the next 20 minutes. I went upstairs and I told my parents about the elephant. They said o.k. but for how long. I said I don't know. Then I said for a short time.

I went downstairs and called Shayan. I said I could have him. He said that is great. I asked him for how long. He said for a week. From downstairs I yelled for a week to my mom. He said o.k. I will meet you at the park at 5:30. I said o.k. It was 5:20 at the clock. I said bye mom. I rode my bike to the park. When I made it there I yelled Shayan.

He said there you are so I said that's a nice elephant. He said thanks. So I got the elephant. I went home with it so i put it on the shelf and looked at him. He jumped out into the garden and destroyed everything. It was the dog that my friend will leave I called him. I said to Shayan, You have to come pick up your elephant. he said I can't. I said o.k. fine. I hung up. So the next morning I didn't see him. I went to the neighbors. They haven't seen him.

So the next two hours I find him in the bushes eating leaves. It was the day my friend will come home. So me and the elephant went to sleep. The door bell rang. It was my friend. He took the elephant and slammed the door. I was really mad at that elephant. I died.

CACJ Debacle

  I started working for California Attorneys for Criminal Justice in 12/2021. I was hired by the Executive Director, Stephen Munkelt. CACJ a...