Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Stop Wearing Grandma Perfume!

I mind my own business when I go to the gym. I go there, get sweaty and get out. I realize that I have an overactive sweat gland so I am extra careful to spray and wipe off any equipment I touch thoroughly. Minimum requirement for me is decent equipment and good air quality. That means that the CFF club on Greenback in Citrus Heights is out of the question. Low ceilings in a small space mean poor air quality and I avoid that place like the plague. As I stated in the post below, Folsom is the best but Sunrise/Hwy 50 is closer to home and that's where I was today.

I am going to be real specific here in the remote hope that the woman exercising next to me today will somehow read this blog and make some changes to her personal hygiene. The stairmasters are the machines that have a rotating stairway that resembles a never ending escalator. That is one of my favorite cardio machines because it is such a great workout at high speed. I am talking level 12 and above. Anyways, there are only 3 stairmasters in the whole gym and they are located in the back corner on the second floor. I was on machine #1 which is on the far left and there was a woman on #3. About 10 minutes into my routine a young, attractive looking black woman climbs on #2. Instantly my nose was assaulted by the overpowering stench of grandma perfume. In case anyone is wondering what grandma perfume is, that is perfume some old women use to hide their own unpleasant odors. Unlike the light, subtle fragrances that young girls wear to attract a man's  attention, grandma perfume or GP is strong enough to cause dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions and even fainting among sensitive people. And yes, I am sensitive.

Why oh why would a young woman cover herself with this awful scent? And in a gym, no less! Whoever you are, please leave the GP at home. Believe me, your natural scent couldn't possibly be anywhere near as bad as what you slathered yourself with this afternoon. I suffered through the whole experience, angry that the ceiling fans weren't going faster, waiting and hoping she would jump off early and go away. Instead, she ended the exact time I ended. Just to make sure we didn't meet at the cleaning station, I jumped off quickly and ran over to grab a few paper towels and cleaning solution. I wanted to be as far away from this walking stench as I could. The weird thing was that she was very attractive yet I couldn't get far enough away from her.

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