Saturday, June 25, 2011

Introduction to Market America

When we got back from our trip to L.A., wifey asked me to attend some presentation about a business called Market America. She and pumpkin were scheduled to take a church trip in San Jose which conflicted with this event which coincidentally also took place in the Bay Area.

I had to arrive at the In-N-Out Burger on Sunrise at 5:50 AM. Ay caray. It was not easy to get up so early but I managed to half run, half walk to the designated pickup place at 5:45. At 5:48 a van pulled up with 5 women - Coco, Wang Jun, Su Zhen, Patrica Wang and two other women who I had never met.

I had a long conversation with Su Zhen who is the person that introduced the business to Cindy. She is from Taiwan and lives in Folsom with her husband and 2 daughters.

Finally after a long ride, we arrived at Santa Clara University a little before 9 AM. I am not used to sitting all day so this was going to be a challenge, not so much for my attention span but for my reluctance to sit so long. The speaker, Phil Guido, came on and talked about Market America and how he got into the business. He also talked about how to recruit new distributors and stay focused on duplicating efforts.

My job was to take lots of notes since I had agreed to attend on Cindy's behalf. Could this work for us? Selling products was not my forte. Memories of trying to be a telemarketer for Armstrong Cabinet Refacing about 30+ years ago have always haunted me whenever confronted by a business like this but I thought I should be open to something different. Besides, it is nice to be able to do a more social activity than staring at the computer all day. 

CACJ Debacle

  I started working for California Attorneys for Criminal Justice in 12/2021. I was hired by the Executive Director, Stephen Munkelt. CACJ a...