Friday, November 13, 2009

Dogs Stuck in Car

This morning I took Fluffy for a walk with a stopover at Bel-Air Market to make a deposit. On the way over, we passed by a parking lot in back of the market and I suddenly heard the sound of two dogs barking coming from a car that was parked outside. My curiosity aroused, we approached the car which was a nice late model BMW. The dogs were large Dalmatians and they barked excitedly at Fluffy as we got closer. DalmationTo my surprise, all the windows were closed completely, not cracked open even a little. That seemed a little odd to me, though the temperature outside was close to 48 degrees. A couple was walking their dog on the opposite side of the street and so I decided to ask them if it was okay to leave two large dogs in a small car with all the windows closed even when the weather was cold. The woman told me to call 911 right away. Confirming my suspicion that it was not okay to leave animals in a car with no air to breathe, I decided to take it a step further and called 911 from my cell phone. The dispatcher patched me through to the fire department dispatcher and after describing to her my location, I told her the situation. The dispatcher said "It is 48 degrees out sir." "But the dogs have no air.", I replied. Again she repeated "It is 48 degrees out sir and unless the dogs look like they are in distress, it is not an emergency." Okay, so much for that. Feeling a little foolish for making such a big stink, we continued on our way to the market to take care of business. On the way back, I couldn’t help but wonder if the car was still there. This time, we passed by and the dogs didn’t jump up and bark as we passed by. In fact, it was very quiet. You can draw your own conclusions as to what happened but I do not regret getting involved even though I ended up arguing with the fire department dispatcher.

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