Friday, April 28, 2006

Loomis House Sold

Finally! I thought we were never going to get that bungalow sold. Actually, it really wasn’t a bungalow, just a small house on a rural street. I rented a truck and hired a couple of guys to help me that Saturday. Loaded everything up and we were out and cleaned up by 4 PM.New house in Gold River is much bigger - over 1900 sq feet. Great location across from a park and elementary school, bike trails and walking distance to American River. Love it! Gold River is actually Rancho Cordova - same zip code but much nicer community. The dividing line between nice and not so nice is Sunrise Blvd. Gold River is a planned community with HOA fees so no white trash parking RV’s or cars on the lawn, no eyesores, no loud assholes next door. This is a real nice place to live. In fact, our neighbors came up to introduce themselves the same day we were moving in.

How to Kill a Man

Prologue This story is dedicated to women everywhere, no matter their age,  background, or socioeconomic status. The scourge of hypertoxi...