Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Prop 8 Upheld by California Supreme Court

Today was a sad day for those that believe in equal rights under the law. The question is does this set a precedent where other rights could be taken away by simple majority vote? I hope not. Hate and fear have triumphed against reason and logic. I am not gay nor do I know anyone who is gay. However, who am I to tell anyone what kind of lifestyle choice they should make? Furthermore, the other side has not produced a sound, rational argument for denying gays the right to marry. To simply say that marriage is between a man and a woman because the Bible says so is about the weakest argument I have ever encountered and yet a majority of people agreed. I watched some of the commercials and they disgusted me with their scare tactics about how children will be forced to learn about the gay lifestyle.

It seems to me that people tend to have very short memories. There was a time when couples of different races couldn't marry. That was written into the books. There was a time when Chinese couldn't own property; a time when Japanese were sent off to live in the desert; a time when blacks were treated like animals. Remember Prop 187 where illegal immigrants were denied health care, social services and education? In each case, the oppressed minority eventually achieved equal rights and the corresponding offensive law was overturned. Yet in this case, the opposite has occurred. A law that denies rights to a group has been upheld, not overturned.

I challenge anyone to present one shred of scientific evidence that gay marriage would either destroy the institution of marriage, threaten the moral fabric of our society or pollute our children's minds. The burden of proof falls on those who insist that it has no place in our society.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Last night dreams

First dream was a hike with Melody, Nelson, the pumpkin and wifey. Came upon a big mud pit. Everyone was able to avoid it except for me. I jumped in and was covered from head to toe in mud. Got out, had to take off my clothes and we ended up at the trail head with about 50 other people with me in just underwear.

Second dream was a drive on the freeway and we stopped at a rest stop. I got out and a caravan of large, black Mercedes with dark tinted glass pulled up. Some Middle Eastern looking men wearing black leather jackets got out of their cars. One of them came up to me and invited me to go for a ride with Sheik Muhammed Al Gari. I agreed and the door of a 30 foot long black limousine opened up. I got in and sat about 10 feet across from a little boy. A man next to me whispered, "I think he likes you." Then the little boy reached into a box next to him and offered a gift to me. I expected something expensive like some diamonds and rubies but when I opened up the box, all that was in it was a small, toy car.

CACJ Debacle

  I started working for California Attorneys for Criminal Justice in 12/2021. I was hired by the Executive Director, Stephen Munkelt. CACJ a...